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Unstoppable Women Over 50:
Rekindle Your Passion, Health and Vitality



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For women over 50


Dear Friend, 

If you’re like many women over 50, you feel like it’s time to up your game and create the life you really want and deserve! 

But… You might not be sure how to do it.

Like many women, possibly you don’t know what you really want or who your "authentic self" really is, or maybe it's as simple as not knowing where to start.

Well, I have great news… it doesn’t matter where you are, or why you’re stuck! What matters is that you get unstuck today

I’m here to tell you, “I get it!” 
I know how much you want your life to be different. I know the pain of losing your vitality when all you want back is your younger-self. I don’t want you to worry anymore. Because I created something just for you. Something that will put the pep back in your step so you can live a joyful, passionate life.

Unstoppable Women Over 50 is the book that will help you unlock your passion, dreams, and desires. You’ll find your identity, purpose, new passions, achieve your dreams, and even build your bucket list and start knocking those items out. 

Design the life you want now! Read every secret I’ve carefully compiled to help you get started today. I can say with 100% confidence, once you turn over that new leaf, there’s no turning back.

Tell me if "lies" like these have been clouding your mind:
  • You're too OLD
  • You're too FAT
  • ​You're not SMART enough
  • ​You shouldn’t WORK too hard
  • ​You shouldn’t do DIFFICULT tasks
  • ​You shouldn’t eat certain FOODS
  • ​You shouldn’t wear certain types of CLOTHES
  • You should hang up your LIBIDO for good
  • Basically, that you are too THIS and not enough of THAT
What a load of BS!
Unstoppable Women Over 50 will help make sure you are on the right path to your dream life! 

Finding your identity, discovering your purpose, taking the time for soul searching that helps you reinvent yourself and giving you a proven plan to take the rest of your life the best of your life.

Now, this can sound like a daunting task, if you go it alone.

But you are not alone. 

I don’t want you to waste a single second feeling used-up or isolated.

YOU'RE NOT washed-up, over the hill, or any other LIES being told to women over 50. 
Simply, I want you to feel better! I want you to spring out of bed and seize the day again! I want you to let the thrill of having your whole life in front of you intoxicate you with possibilities!

Maybe you’re reading this with hope in your heart and afraid to believe me? Sister, I have been there, too. So many peddlers of anti-aging this and that. This snake oil here and that gravity-defying thing over there. 

Aren’t you sick of it all?

I was so sick of it; I wrote a dang book about it. Put away your magic wands and creams, potions and lotions. 

Instead, how would you like to:

 - Rediscover your libido and start caring about being intimate?
 - Feel sexy for yourself and your partner?
 - Learn how to jump-start your health and vitality and maintain it?
 - Clarify your purpose?
 - Identify your passion or discover new passions?
 - Have purpose and vigor for life? 
 - Increase your self-confidence?
 - Master your hormones (aka tap into the fountain of youth)?
 - Minimize stress levels?
 - Enrich your spirituality?
 - Stop telling yourself harmful lies?
 - Manage all the roles you play with grace?
 - Learn to see your gifts and how to use them?
 - Permanently break through the stigma of age?

I’ve spoken with so many women who started out hopeless that they were only looking at the end of a road. Who’ve told me that being vibrant and alive was a young woman’s game. Who’ve simply resigned themselves to never having sex again.

I wrote Unstoppable Women Over 50 for you, to help you unlock your passion, dreams, and desires.

I've known many women over 50 who start a business, become authors, revitalize their relationships, and more. 

 - What would your life be like if you TOOK CHARGE and made your dreams happen?
 - How would your days change if you had MORE ENERGY?
 - How would your relationship change if you could FEEL THAT SPARK once more?
 - How would your perception of "you" allow you to CHANGE THE WORLD for the better?

A woman who goes after what she wants is not only "irresistible" she's UNSTOPPABLE.

Ready to find the new you? 

Let's get started.

Donna Perillo


Unlock the secrets that will make you UNSTOPPABLE!

  • Clarify and redefine your PURPOSE and PASSION
  • Feel SEXY and comfortable with intimacy by igniting your SEX DRIVE 
  • Open yourself to NEW OPPORTUNITIES
  • ​Experience HEALTH and VITALITY
  • ​Release the LIES you've been telling yourself


Women over 50 are UNSTOPPABLE!

At least they can be. The truth is, life after 50 is where life really begins. It’s where we get to experience the most joy, the most love, and believe it or not passion.

Life after 50 is when we get to really make a difference and leave a legacy.

Unstoppable Women Over 50 can help you unlock your passion, your dreams, and your desires.

The first secret is to stop listening to the lies.

There is an old narrative that the media and marketers and archaic dogmatic traditions try to sell us ... that life is over, and you should retire! But not us. Not Unstoppable Women.

Priorities and goals may have changed but …we know who we are, what we want, and how to get it.

Challenges and roadblocks are traversed and those lemons become lemonade. Regardless of the obstacles we can persevere, living a life void of excuses and regrets. This book will help you start your journey to creating your version of being UNSTOPPABLE!

This is our chance to change the world.

This is our opportunity to do what matters.

This is our time.


Not having regular sex?  Not on my watch! 

Besides the more overt advantages to being intimate, the subtler ones are that you really do feel better. Your body needs closeness and intimacy to function at its peak. How’s that for a prescription?

Feeling alone, misunderstood, invaluable, and worse aren’t choices any woman would make! But the problem has been that we don’t know where to turn for real help that will redefine life forever. 

Here’s the beautiful and undeniable truth: Women over 50 are UNSTOPPABLE!

It’s time to refresh our owner’s manual! Unstoppable Women Over 50, is here for you.


Dr. Perillo DC, NMD, CNS has been practicing in New Jersey for over 30 years. 

She is a chiropractor, nutritionist, naturopath, composer, musician, author and healer. She combines her talents in order to help people with neurological and orthopedic problems as well as with lifestyle management, including nutrition, weight loss, exercise, and stress management. 

Her passion for natural healing began in her 20's when she sought help for allergies and asthma.

Founder, Unstoppable Women Over 50
Copyright 2020 | Dr. Donna Perillo | Epic Author Publishing | *All Right Reserved
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